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May Scripture Reading Challenge

Hi there! I’m finishing up with an April Psalms reading challenge that I put out on social media (Facebook and Instagram). After surveying my followers, it seemed that it had been encouragement to spend more time reading our Bibles. I know it was for me!

I am a morning person, so I do my regular studying bright and early. The reading challenge made me get back into The Word later in the afternoon or evening which I loved. It has been a wonderful month of investing in eternal things (thanks to the stay-at-home order here in Kansas)!

That’s why I decided to challenge myself to read through Acts and Romans in the month of May. I’ve set it up a little differently if you are following along on social media. I’ll post a weekly reading schedule and then check back in at the end of the week with comments, thoughts, or favorite verses. I’d love for you to join me!

Here’s the schedule (also available in a printable PDF by clicking here):

If you’d like to join me, just follow along with the reading schedule daily or weekly. Check in on Facebook and Instagram to share your comments, favorite verses, or thoughts if you’d like. This part is optional, of course, but I know it is encouragement to me to hear how the Lord is working in the hearts of others as well.

Hope to “see you” over there!

Crystal Ratcliff

Crystal Ratcliff

My passion is to encourage and challenge Christian women to
develop a personal relationship with their Lord and Savior.

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