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Exercise the Word

I recently cleaned out my filing cabinets and stumbled on some of my old devotions written for our church ladies newsletter in 2009. This one about spiritual exercise gave me a good laugh (the kids would have been 8 and 9 years old), but also reminded me that my passion hasn’t changed much over the years. I still want to be sure that I am faithful to my time with LORD in His Word and encourage you to do the same!

We were getting ready to leave Marc’s brother’s house one night when Chaz and Harley found elliptical machine. For those that may not know, an elliptical machine is defined as a stationery exercise machine used to simulate walking or running without causing excessive pressure on the joints. Chaz and Harley began taking turns on the machine. One of them was on the machine while the other picked up a set of 3 pound weights, “pumped iron,” and counted to 100. Then they would switch. This went on for maybe 5-10 minutes, but it was enough for them to work up quite a sweat.

As we prepared to leave, Harley asked, “Do I look different?” as she smoothed her shirt. “Because my shirt feels looser.”

Marc and I barely heard the last part because we were already laughing so hard. She really believed that working out for that short period of time had brought immediate results. And the conversation between Chaz and Harley on the way home got even better.

“I bet I lost 10 pounds tonight,” Chaz said seriously.

Again, I had to shake my head and laugh. I wish a hard, short workout could help me drop 10 pounds instantly!

I giggled about this exchange on and off for the next day or two. My children are such a joy and I thank the Lord for them and the laughter they bring to my life. The Lord often uses them to give me a spiritual illustration of a lesson he wants me to learn–and this was no exception.

I wasn’t feeling well and had stayed home from church the next Sunday evening. I listened to a CD of Pastor Jones preaching a message titled “What Are You Seeking?” from John chapter six. Then–determined not to turn on the television–I tried to decide if I should rest, read, or write. The Lord brought the exercise incident to mind, and I giggled for a moment.

You see, that still small voice said, “You’ve been that way with My Word.”

Ouch! Immediately, I was convicted.

This last school year had been a challenge for me. Most of you know that I am finishing my degree in elementary education (graduating in December, Lord willing). This was the last year of classes–the big push. In addition to being wife and mom and working as a school secretary, I was going to school full-time. I was busy!

Knowing the importance of a quiet time with the Lord, I was still faithful in waking up at 5:30 a.m. to spend time in the Word. During the Spring, I really began to feel “disconnected” from the Lord. I felt like I was going through the motions, but I wasn’t allowing God to really work in my life. A couple of weeks before the Ladies Retreat, I finally admitted to Marc and began diligently trying to correct it. My problem was that I had so much on my mind that as soon as I finished my Bible study, I was up and off to the next task. There was little time for meditation or “chewing” on what God had showed that day. I began to write out a verse or a Truth that God had revealed to me each day. I made progress and the messages at the Retreat confirmed that I was on the right track. However, my being busy didn’t go away. It got worse! Finals came, end of the school year activities and trips for the kids, and training a new secretary to take my place. More pressure on the fragile progress I had made in the are of my quiet time with the Lord.

I wasn’t “there” yet–and oh, how I longed to be! Those of you who have been “there” know what I’m talking about. It is that special time you have with the Lord, the time you crave and long for. The time when you know that you have met with Jesus! That kind of quiet time is far beyond a quick read of God’s Word to check it off our “to do” list.

Just as Chaz and Harley had expected immediate results from their quick physical workout, God showed me that I had been expecting immediate results from my quick spiritual workouts. He directed me to Psalm 19:7-14. There are several benefits to being in God’s Word that are listed in the passage, such as wisdom, true joy, spiritual maturity, and avoiding sin. I was missing out on all of those benefits because they don’t come from a “quick fix” workout in the Word. Those benefits take place over time as we are faithful and committed to digging into God’s Word with a learning heart.

Exercise is defined as regular or repeated use of a faculty or bodily organ and bodily exertion for the sake of developing and maintaining physical fitness. Let’s define it another way for our purposes: regular or repeated use of God’s Word and bodily exertion (it does take effort!) for the sake of developing and maintaining spiritual fitness.

My personal challenge this school year is truly exercise the Word. Will you join me?

What about you? Ever been there? Maybe you’re there right now. The new year is right around the corner. It’s the perfect time for a fresh start and a new spiritual exercise routine!

Crystal Ratcliff

Crystal Ratcliff

My passion is to encourage and challenge Christian women to
develop a personal relationship with their Lord and Savior.

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