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It’s that time of year again. A time for reflection. A time for planning. A time for dreaming.

I have to admit that years ago, I was that person who would make all the New Year’s Resolutions. I would sit down with my fresh journal and make a list of high and lofty dreams, and of course, being the planner that I am, I would also have a detailed step by step plan on how I would make those dreams reality.

Of course, this sort of “planning” never worked and ended in failure. But that didn’t stop me from trying again the next year!

As I matured (and became more realistic), I switched to more of a focus word or phrase to guide my year. You can read about a couple of those here: Embrace the Day and Be Humble.

I still get excited about a new journal though. Anybody with me?

Here’s a peek at my first entry in my new journal and the word I’ll be focusing on for 2020.

“There is just something about a new journal…blank pages waiting for notes from my journey in the Scriptures this year. A new year brings the same feeling. A new year. A fresh start. It is odd really when according to Your Word, I can feel this way each day. One of the great promises of Scripture, found in Lamentations 3:22-23:

It is of the LORD’s mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not. They are new every morning; great is thy faithfulness.

O Lord, I am so thankful for Your mercy, Your compassion, Your faithfulness. I am undeserving of such unconditional love as I fail you over and over. My attempts to live a life pleasing to you often fall short–even in simple acts of obedience. Lord, forgive me! Help me to draw on the Holy Spirit’s power as I attempt to walk worthy of you this year.

This year.

One word.


It has been on my heart and mind for years, but never more than in recent months. You have pressed me, prodded me, and convicted me to get out of my comfort zone and invest in others.

This will be my focus.

I want to invest more.

More in others.

More time in Your Word.

More time in prayer.

More in letting You lead my daily walk–moment by moment.”

It’s a little uncomfortable to share this with you, but I hope it will get you to thinking about your focus. And if you follow me on Facebook, you know that I often share pictures of my journal. It is my hope that it will inspire others to grow in their walk with the Lord.

What will be your focus word or phrase this year? I’d love to hear them!

Crystal Ratcliff

Crystal Ratcliff

My passion is to encourage and challenge Christian women to
develop a personal relationship with their Lord and Savior.

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